One of the biggest shifts in my journey has been releasing the illusions of who I thought I had to be. Letting go of roles, ideals, and jobs that didn’t align with the real me, which, at times, I only had a vague feeling of what that was. I had to try quite a bunch… Some of these realizations were painful, while others felt surprisingly easy as if I’d outgrown an old skin.
What I’ve found on the other side of that process is clarity — clarity about what fits, what brings me alive, and what feels true to who I am today. And here’s the thing: who I am is not fixed. It’s an evolving process. What’s true for me now might not be true later, but at every moment, I am true to the voice of my soul, and that has, at times, been a rocky road with not many dull moments.
Although I’ve shifted focus over the years, one thing has remained constant throughout my life — the desire to see through every illusion I’ve come across and directly or indirectly inspire people on their path to greater self-awareness and expansion of consciousness (and honestly, that took me many years to understand).
This journey of becoming more of who you are is not about finding a destination — it’s about continuing to let go of what you’re not and embracing your own unfolding, to do what you’re burning for right now. Your soul has a purpose to live and explore with you, and sometimes, if you’re like me, that purpose is revealed the more things you try.
So, what are you ready to let go of today?
